A friend of mine was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, and her sister is holding a fundraiser for her. Thankfully her treatment is going amazingly well, and the doctors are all blown away! Since I’ll be out of town the weekend they’re having it, I made this diaper cake for the silent auction. Click here to read their story and support the cause.
You guys! I’m super stoked to announce this!
As some of you know, I’ve recently adopted a Bull Terrier from a rescue organization in Montreal. Since then, I’ve totally fallen in love with dogs in general, but especially the bully breed. My dog Tug has totally enriched my life, and has given me so much over the past eight months, and I’ve been dying to give back to the community somehow. When I heard about the newest Bullies In Need auction in order to fund emergency surgeries for Mistle-toes and Antoine (their stories are on Facebook), I decided to donate a Gift Certificate worth $50 towards the cost of any BGD merch.
Head on over to the Bullies In Need auction and help support those who need us the most.
Thanks so much to everyone for your help, and to BIN for all the good work that they do!