So it’s been ages since I’ve posted, and for that I apologize. I’ve reinstalled the WP app on my phone, so I’m hoping that’ll get me to post more.
While I might not have been posting content, I’ve sure been creating it! For now, I’ll ease into it with a project I did around xmas. It’s a pretty small one, but has helped a lot to organize some of my supplies.
I managed to score 4 really great tins at work that held cookies I didn’t eat. I took them home, peeled all the labeling off, and stamped letters onto a sheet of magnet in order to label what was in the box. Brilliant! More to come tomorrow 🙂

Posted on February 14th 2017 in
No posts for a year, then two back to back! This past Sunday was the Chinatown Craft Market, which was run by Shanghai Restaurant, as a fundraiser for Ottawa’s local community outreach group, Hijinx. We had tons of fun in our pop-up market stalls, and I was so flattered and pleased to have been able to be involved.
Also, special (and huge!) thanks to Mr. Gary for stopping by 😉

Chinatown Remixed is usually around this time, but this year they’ve moved it to the fall, so keep your eyes peeled come that time for more info!
Posted on June 1st 2015 in
Craft Fairs